Friday 14 November 2008

Gender Predictors

Last night i was fooling around on different baby sites and i came across a gender predictor. Well i decided to have a go LOL I filled in my dob and Niks dob and the first day of my last period and it said..... A GIRL! PMSL but then i had a go on a few more and they said boy so i'm still no wiser. I don't really mind what sex the baby is as long as its healthy but i suppose a girl would be nice after 4 boys but then it'd probably be a tomboy anyway.

The sickness is still really bad, it eases it if i lie down but you can't spend all day horizontal (unless your Belle De Jour PMSL) so i keep trying but cake making has gone out the window and the house isn't as tidy as usual. I can't even get motivated to go shopping (yep, must be ill!)

My next scan is a week today, i'm really looking forward to seeing a heartbeat this time because the baby was so small last time that it only just showed up on the monitor. I think it always makes you feel better when you've seen everything is ok.

Gotta go and make tea now, but my sense of smell has gone into overdrive and the chicken smells disgusting! Nik has been fab helping me out though, so i mustn't complain.

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