Monday 24 November 2008

Booking In With The Midwife

I had an appointment today with the midwife. Nik and Max came with me too. It took ages to give her all my relevent medical history and i came away with a pile of pregnancy literature and some coupons for free stuff too! I asked the midwife about Anti-E and what she told us still seemed a little vague, she has sent off my blood and said we'll decide what to do when the results come back (depending on the level of Anti-E in my blood) i'll tackle it again with her then. I did give her a print out of the information that Melissa (the lady in USA) gave me on Anti-E. Maybe that will get her interested a bit more about it. I'm definately not gonna just forget about it until the birth because thats what she was trying to tell me (i think) this needs constant blood monitoring every 2 -4 weeks to check the levels in my blood aren't rising and then after i'm 24 weeks i need to be scanned regularly to make sure 'Peanut' is ok in there. I'm sure they'll get sick of me but i'm gonna nag them to death!

1 comment:

Vanda said...

Good for you, keeping nagging them until they take you seriously. Can't you have a word with the doctor too or have you already done that?

Thank you ever so much for the McDonald vouchers, they will come in very handy :O) You are so lovely to even think of me when you've got so much on your plate.

Love you loads ~ your bestest friend ever! Me xXxXx